Wednesday 1 April 2015

OUAN406 - Purchasing Miniature Pieces

When I started thinking about how I was going to build the miniature sets, it became clear I wouldn't be able to build every individual piece myself because of time constraints and the technicality of putting together pieces of furniture in the 1/12 scale. I've attempted to create things like windows and a book case so that I can save money when it comes to buying miniature pieces, but the book case for example is quite straight forward, whereas as chair or decorative table would prove much more difficult to hand make with my current lack of knowledge on the production of furniture and wood working in general, despite how much I enjoy it.

To save myself some time, and to raise the overall realism and detail in the set I set myself the task of buying some pieces of miniature furniture online. I looked at some online stores that sold the pieces I was looking for but some of them were incredibly intricate and well put together, costing around £200 a piece. Which was out of budget, so I looked on a few other sites before resorting to eBay to see what I could find there. There was a huge amount of choice for things like miniature chairs, tables, rugs and other house-hold objects of varying price and detail. Of course the overall quality of the cheaper pieces dropped, it was still sufficient for what I needed it for. I set aside a list of some pieces that could come in useful to help me bring the set to life, and based on my original design, so looking at a chair, table, bottles and jars etc. After some careful browsing through eBay I came across various items that I thought would be appropriate to use and bought them. The total cost of all of my purchases was around £40, which wasn't bad as I was expecting to pay a little more than that. In total I bought; a 1/12th scale table and chair, two 1/12th scale decorative rugs, 15 miniature bottles of varying shapes, some Steampunk themed charms that I could use for decoration, and some cotton that I can use for clothing or even to cover pieces of the set if I need to, as a table cloth for example. Below are the items I purchased;

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