Thursday 16 October 2014

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Storyboarding Nursery Rhymes Part II

Following on from the previous session, today I took the first draft for my nursery rhyme story board and made an improved version that is better presented and created whilst utilising all the feedback I had at hand from the peer review session from the previous day. I tried to add more detail and make it clearer to the person looking at it what is going on in each scene.  The addition of detail in the background and at different positions in the panels made it have a greater sense of depth and therefore conveyed the scene and the atmosphere of the scene better. I also included tone to make the images seem less flat. From a technical point of view I also tried to mix up the use of camera angles slightly and exaggerated them a little more for the purpose of this, and with the feedback in mind. Finally, I added short, concise notes below the panels to communicate any ideas or thoughts that were difficult to express in the panel alone.

Refined Storyboard

I was quite please at how refining my initial storyboard went as I managed to stick to the initial idea that I had but improve the quality of the drawing and overall communication that the storyboard had. I felt like I did quite well overall at presenting the storyboard considering it was the first time I'd attempted to do a storyboard like this.

From here I'm looking forward to working into the storyboards further and perhaps adding some colour or 'effects' to the panels to convey lighting and shadow that could be featured in a final animation if the project with this storyboard was ever taken that far. I feel like I learnt a lot in the first two days of this task both technically and about what I know and need to improve. From here, I look forward to using storyboards again for the next task we do that requires them, and overall I feel like they are an essential tool when creating a story for a motion picture or animation.

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