Thursday 28 January 2016

OUAN503 - Introduction to Responsive

The responsive module is the first opportunity we've had to work across courses and collaborate with graphic designers and illustrators. During the initial briefing of the module it was stated that the aims of this module are specifically to 'enable students to work cross-course, understand cross-disciplinary approaches, work collaboratively or respond to an external event or activity with a significant pedagogic value.' I'm quite looking forward to the way this module will work, but quite anxious nonetheless as this is again the first time we've had the opportunity to do something like this. Aside from the collaboration aspect of the module, the other half involves us responding to live briefs with deadlines and quite specific requirements. Through this module we have the chance to respond to external competitions and briefs and become involved in emerging events such as international partnerships, industrial links, cultural opportunities or professional organisations. At first glance I find the way we will be responding to live briefs quite tough. The idea of having to pick briefs from everything that's available to us seems like quite a difficult task and because of the lack of guidelines in this sense it will be quite difficult for me to gauge what kind of work will be needed to do in order to satisfy the requirements of the brief - hopefully I can do enough to achieve the level of work that I want to. However, despite this daunting aspect in terms of the vast number of briefs and opportunities there are within the module, I am looking forward to working with other people and feel like I do enjoy working in a group environment quite a lot.

To summarise, the brief is split into three sections:

INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE: This section of the brief gives us the opportunity to explore a range of individually identified practical, conceptual and creative concerns within the fields of Animation that is specific to me as an Animation student. Through individual practice I will be selecting and resolving a range of live and or competition briefs appropriate to your individual emerging practice and interests. I like the freedom of the individual practice element to the module because it gives me a change to undertake any briefs I want to rather than having to undertake specifically animation based briefs. I hope that this will allow me to broaden my skill set and understand competitions and live briefs that have a different objective than the ones I'm used to. Despite it being so early in the module I want to try some new things and hopefully get better at certain things, such as illustration. The kind of briefs I plan to undertake are things such as book covers, original art and more image making. Furthermore I think the way I'm approaching these types of briefs will hopefully mean I can look at composition, colour and idea generation in a new way than the one I'm used to. I plan to make an effort to investigate content, processes, products and techniques that will help me to understand and define your own creative ambitions within contemporary disciplines. So in that sense, finding out what I like and what I'm good at through experimentation and the freedom to explore different process and practices.

COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE: The collaborative practice aspect of the module is one that I'm unsure on how it will work out. There is a certain foreign element of working with people on different course who up to now have had different experiences and mind sets when it comes to producing work and the way they approach creative problems. Although I feel comfortable working with others, I hope that the group I end up working with has a similar attitude to me so that we can come together and produce something great rather than being detrimental to each other during the process. We will be working in groups of between 2-4 and will focus on the role of the creative team and collaborative approaches to solving creative problems. By combining your technical, practical and theoretical skills, as well as identifying new skills that need to be developed we will be expected to respond, and submit work, to one of the available national competition briefs or recognised live brief. These briefs include YCN and D&AD. Having looked over the briefs so far, I quite like the sound of a few of them, but I do feel like there is a lot more substance to the D&AD briefs whereas most of the YCN briefs seem to involve a lot of branding type briefs.

PROJECT REPORT: 'We will be expected to produce a Project Report that presents the work produce in response to the two Studio briefs in a clear, concise and professional format. The report we write should aim to introduce, summarise and evaluate your working practices and experiences throughout the module with a view to identifying areas strength, improvement and those which will lead to further investigation.' In a way I think this is similar to an evaluation except it will almost be a detailed write up of the process we went through in order to complete the module. Hopefully I have a good enough mix of briefs and I've learnt an amount where I can write in the report how well the module has gone in terms of the practices and experiences I've had during the responsive module.

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