Monday 25 January 2016

OUAN505 - Development of Documentary Ideas

During the week off we had starting Monday the 18th of January, me and Callum met to discuss the script ideas and solidify the visual aspect in coincidence with the script and important points we wanted to include. We took the time to analyse the script that had been written and pick out the key sections we thought were appropriate for the type of documentary that we want to make, informative and engaging rather than a plea to cut down on deforestation. After we had decided which scenes we liked the sound of the most, we wrote some notes to accompany them in order to attach the visual ideas we had to the script that will be voiced over the top of the documentary. For example, the opening scene is very general in the way it's delivered, talking about broad statistics and essentially what deforestation is. To accompany this section we had he idea to have a tracking shot that lasts the duration of this part of the script. Whilst we were discussing and elaborating on our current ideas, I suggested to involve paper more in the production side of the project. From there we spoke about how we could incorporate this medium across the different scenes and how we would tackle certain scenarios and scenes that would take place within in the piece. I think that the way paper can be used and how versatile it can be when working with it in real life and in after effects made us feel that it was a good route to take. Callum and I spoke about a couple of other aspects of different scenes and how we would use the methods we're thinking of using to illustrate them. When we were presenting our ideas for this project before we were sorted into groups Gavin mentioned that he wanted to look at the changing of seasons within the environment theme. We thought that the mention of climate change could be illustrated using the changing of seasons, through the use of different coloured trees and some of the after effects functions and a range of other tool available to us. Another example of a scene we thought of using that I think I've mentioned previous was the lungs of the world. We want to create a physical 'lungs of the world' image comprised of trees wither made from polystyrene or paper and then make it look like it's rotting by burning the set or using another method if that turns out to be too difficult to achieve.

Below is an example of the script we started working on together, we're writing down the spoken part with our ideas for each scene before we start making storyboards. Due to the nature of our approach to this production I think we're trying quite hard to stay organised and make sure we're aware of what we're doing and what needs to be done, so as to not waste time and resources. The next step once this is completed is to create a solid storyboard that we can then move on and create the assets for and develop the documentary further in the production stage.

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