Monday 2 May 2016

OUAN505 - Group Dynamics / Communication

As a group throughout this project I think our communication has been rather good and we've been able to utilise everyone type of communication online as well as in person to make sure that everyone knows where the project is and where it's going. The use of social media, Google drive and E-mail in my opinion have been quite important to ensuring the progression of the project in a more efficient way than it would have been otherwise if we hadn't been able to discuss the project outside of the classroom.

There has been a good understanding of each others roles and responsibilities within the group, and I was pleased that everyone remembered which part of the project they were in leading. For example, when it was time for the production stage, Callum and Gavin both took over and began working on that section of the project as I was delivering the assets they needed. Furthermore, it was good to know that they were keen to make progress and we would be asking each other on a regular basis where we were up to so that for example I had made some of the assets that required animation this could be done immediately rather than having them at hand but not making any progress. Most of our groups meetings took place on a Monday because this is when we had timetabled sessions for the module, but it also meant if any more progress worth talking discussing had been made over the weekend then we could regroup and talk about what we were going to do next. We did have extra sessions where we came together on alternative days and discussed the direction of the project but this happened more frequently in the early stages. I'm pleased that as a group everyone was so good at vocalising ideas and using the tools we had available to us to inform one another of our progress as I think this project has rested heavily on generation of ideas and being able to discuss various thoughts we had with one another. I also think that we reassured each other throughout the project which kept us motivation to meet our goal of completing the animation to a standard that we were happy with. This was made slightly difficult in that we were using a medium none of us had used before, so this was another reason to make sure everyone understood the process we were using and our individual roles within that process. Up to now it's been quite successful and I'm confident that if we continue to work with the focus that we have had when we've been working on the project then we will finish before the deadline, and considering there isn't long left we will need to work hard as a team to make sure our goal is met and that the project is concluded in a successful and hopefully relatively relaxed manner.

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