Sunday 8 May 2016

OUAN505 - Merging Scenes

The final scene of the animation is four separate panels each containing a different forest coming together over the top of the previous scene. Visually this was to represent the idea that there are a number of areas in the world being affected by deforestation, not just North America or the Amazon. To illustrate this more clearly we attempted to use different types of trees for each of the scenes as well as different colours depending on the colours of the trees from different regions. However, this scene and the scene before it were done separately so I had to merge them in order to complete the effect before rendering it out as a sequence. I took the outro scene which was the scene containing the four panels and the previous scene to this (scene 4) and ordered them so that the panels would come in on top of the previous scene. This was fairly simple but it did take a little bit of trial and error to make sure that the timings were correct and the audio as well as the narration matched up correctly with the moving visuals on screen. With this project I've found because of the approach we were taking and the combination of narration which is specific to the visuals as well as the quite thoroughly planned out visuals lasting a certain amount of time without much room for change made it so problem solving and over coming hurdles was quite important. This part of the project was another small example of that as the visuals had to be adjusted to fit the timing of the narration, which was the one unchangeable aspect of the documentary.

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