Wednesday 4 May 2016

OUAN505 - Paper Fruit Bowl

The next scene I worked on to aid in the production process was the scene involving a fruit bowl. The aim of the scene was to accompany the narration which states that trees give humans what they need to survive, both in terms of food and oxygen. This scene is only on screen for a couple of seconds so it didn't have to be overly complicated, it just needed a smple fruit bowl to accompany the narration. I took some of the different paper I had been collecting over the course of the project from all of the different paper cuts I had done for different objects, so; orange, red, green, dark green, yellow and brown and cut various fruit shapes out of them to act as apples, plums, bananas and oranges. Once they were scanned in I adjusted the colours slightly to better suit the image and started placing them in the fruit bowl shape I had cut out. It was quite easy to arrange them in a way that was appealing and working as a composition. Doing this digitally also meant I had the ability to duplicate certain objects if I needed more of them, whilst being able to modify the sizes of different fruits was also helpful.

Some time was spent making the grapes and arranging the fruit in a way that I thought worked well. I had in mind from the beginning that two options for the scene was to have the fruit fall down into the bowl from above or alternatively, just use it as a still image when the scene comes onscreen. The final step for this scene was to include a background so I added a simple table and a background colour. Callum and Gavin liked what had been done and so I passed it onto Gavin to animate and start incorporating it in with the other scenes that had been completed.

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