Wednesday 4 May 2016

OUAN505 - 'The Lungs of the World'

As time was pressing on within the project I thought it would be better considering the work load that was remaining to take on a couple of the scenes that were left. One of the scenes I took on to work with was the scene we called 'the lungs of the world'. This was essentially a scene consisting of paper lungs surrounded a background in the Amazon rainforest. The right 'lung' has three seperate components of different sizes and getting increasingly smaller. The ideas was to have them fade away slowly until just a small part of the lung remained. This reduction in size is representitive of the deforestation occuring in the Amazon rainforest which is often referred to as the 'lungs of the world'. Once the paper components were scanned in and arranged I thought that the shapes running through the lungs would look better if they were extended as they were shortened by the laser cutter cutting them a little too short. To do this the 'liquify' tool was used on Photoshop to drag and twist the shapes making them look a lot longer, and covering a larger area of the lungs. This improved the scene a lot in my opinion and the added detail brought up the visual quality of the image. Once the lungs were in place I created a background using various paper cutouts that I had used over the course of the project, they were quite random in their shape and this worked quite well to create almost a collage type effect for the background - acting as the rainforest from distance. The last thing that was added to the scene was a sky, simply by painting blue and orange in the area left for the sky I was able to create a 'sunset' feel. To complete this and tie the scene together I added a slightly orange hue to the whole image making it look like the scene is set as the sun is setting.

I spent some time finalising the scene by altering the colour of different areas in order to create a greater contrast between the different shapes and between the lungs and the background. I spoke to Callum to see what he thought and he thought the lungs needed to stand out more than they did so I worked on that to make sure they were clearly visible. He also said that there was a little too much texture on the background and it wouldn't fit as well with other scenes that have created that don't have as much texture on them. I used a 'cutout' filter to simplify the level of detal and simplicity on the shapes so that the level of detail was close to that other the other scenes. It was helpful talking over scenes with Callum so that we could come to a mutual understanding on what we needed from each scene and also discuss the best direction a scene could go in. It was really helpful when trying to work out the best combination of colours for this scene, and when thinking about the positioning of the different objects.

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