Thursday, 9 February 2017

OUAN603 - Establishing an Aesthetic

One of the most difficult parts of a project for me is taking all the different ways to create an 'aesthetic' for an animation or graphic novel for example and pinning one down in particular. This is made more difficult during the visual research stage when I am exposed to a range of different aesthetics. Another consideration that is made at this stage is the feasibility of creating something hyper detailed in the given time. I think the constraint of working alone of a project like this is that there is never enough time and the quality does have to be compromised in order to finish the project before the deadline opposed to if there was 3 or 4 people working on it for example.

The aesthetic I've tried to establish is a mix of medium level detail coupled with a strong colour palette and some other simple environmental details. In essence I went for medium levels of detail as I didn't want to go too simple and sacrifice the look and feel of the content but also didn't want to spend hours on each individual drawing I was doing, again since I'm undertaking every element of the project I think it is wise to tone down the level of detail in some way. I also feel like the type of story and the themes involved contributed to selecting and developing an appropriate style for the project as a whole. Some tools that helped me achieve this were Pinterest, and watching back films and works that compliment the type of work I'm doing - the work of Makoto Shinkai and some of the other bildungsroman titles that I included in my rationale have all played a part in the way I thought about the project and in turn how it has been developed up until this point.

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