Thursday 9 February 2017

OUAN603 - Visual Research

When doing visual research, Pinterest has become an invaluable tool when attempting to collect imagery together in one place. It allows me to collect my thoughts and ideas visually to illustration and represent some of the ideas I've either been thinking of or developing. For this project I used three image boards. Firstly, a collection of Japanese style illustration and photographs taken in Japan of people, buildings and natural elements provided a lot of inspiration when developing background and character work. It also provided me with a mood that I could then express in some of the artwork being created. Smaller but still significant elements such as weather, colour and lighting can also be gathered and interpreted using this method of collecting imagery. Some of the images that I liked best were candid photographs of people in their homes or on the street, because it provided a natural look at every day life. These small and subtle elements are the types of attention to detail that I want to strive to incorporate into my short film, which is something my work has lacked in the past.

The nature of the story and the magical realism genre that I want to strive for encouraged me to look a little into surrealism and other strange or unfamiliar images. Due to the abstract nature of surrealism it is easy to take multiple elements from a single image and turn this into multiple ideas for story or a particular scene. Although magical realism isn't overly surreal or fantasy based, there is room for strange occurrences and I found that this type of imagery helped me to think in an abstract less conventional way in terms of story and events that will take place within the fictional world that is being created. Finally, I created a board for inspirational imagery so that I could use images I liked for colour reference or composition reference.


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