Thursday 9 February 2017

OUAN603 - Extended Practice Briefing & Intention

For this project I intended to expand upon the way I worked on my context of practice practical piece but whilst paying consideration to the time given for this module and what can be achieved given the scale of a 60 credit module. With that in mind I knew I wanted to create a final film but also provide the project with the potential for expansion so that the story itself was not confined to a 2 minute segment. To achieve this, I again decided to explore transmedia storytelling and create a transmedia project in which I can create several smaller elements that contribute to the fulfillment of the larger story world.

Given that the deadline is in May my main objectives early on in the project are to establish the type of story I want to create and provide some rules that the world will follow. I'm hoping to establish a basic premise for the story quite early on that can be expanded and explored as the project continues throughout the next few months. I don't think the story itself will be completely written before I start the pre-production phase and as I learned with the context of practice module, sometimes story elements have to be changed during the creation process in order to make sure each separate element is cohesive and gaps in the different plots don't emerge. One of the main reasons I want to create a final project in this way as it allows me to look again at building narratives and writing but also maintain the development of my own transmedia IPs that I've become interested in making. My interest in world building and creating self contained story worlds will also be encouraged by this choice of project, my interest in illustration, writing and animation/film will also be utilised as I can explore these and better my skills across these platforms. In terms of my specialist practice, the writing side of the project will hopefully improve my skills which is something I really would like to improve at. I felt like the story I created for the context of practice example piece was quite weak and was more an illustration of the transmedia technique. I would like to write a much better story with stronger characters and an exciting story world for this project.

The idea of collaboration and contributing to other projects came up during the briefing. It was encouraged in order to reinforce collaboration and provide a range of high quality projects due to the use of people's strengths. Within my own project I feel like there is definitely room for collaboration and an opportunity to work with others based on their specialist skills. This has a strong chance of improve the quality and breadth of the work that I could produce for the module as a whole, especially since I'll be working across a range of media platforms, some of which I am not as experienced with as others.

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