Thursday 9 February 2017

OUAN603 - GANTT Charts & Strategies of Organisation

To keep this extensive project on track and on a particular schedule I have put into place several strategies to make sure that I leave room to complete all of the work I set out to complete. Firstly, a GANTT chart to see what tasks have to be done in which order and be able to plan my time effectively will be very useful as the project goes on. What is so useful about this is that the timings can be adjusted if a particular task takes more or less time that initially anticipated. Another advantage is that having a time plan that is visual in the way different tasks are represented, for example having a visual representation of time makes it easier at a glance to acknowledge how long a task is going to take and therefore how much time to invest.

Aside form this the simple method of keeping significant dates written down, so crits and presentations for example. By doing this I hope so ensure that I am well aware of these important tasks well in advance and can make good time in completing those tasks. Finally, I want to be efficient with my time. For example, it may be better to work for 2 hours less on a day to make sure I can be more productive the following day and thus keep a consistent level of speed and productivity when working on the project.

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