Monday 10 November 2014

Animation Project: Longing - Planning

In order to plan the 'Longing' animation, I did a lot of initial drawing and sketches for certain scenes so I could visualise them better and so that I had something to work with when it came to drawing the actual frame for the animation. As well as this, I drew around a twenty panel story board depicting certain camera angles I wanted to feature; and the different scenes I wanted to use in order to tell the story and convey the feeling of 'longing' in a concise and easy to follow manner. 

Here are some examples of the kind of notes I made in preparation for the animation. The contents of the pages involves my thoughts on the themes and how I wanted to express them in the animation, also what potential story lines I was going to use. Like previously mentioned I took influence from a lot of quotes and thoughts that I found online, in order to get a broader understanding of how I could utilise and experiment with the words we chose as a theme. As well as general idea generation, I used the notebook to make sure I wrote down any important information regarding deadlines and stuff like that. 


Drawings were an important part of visualising the art style and design of the animation, from how characters and scenes were going to look to which scene was going to follow on from the last, and the use of perspective and camera angles. I made sure to experiment with this in the story boarding section of my plan, in order to get an idea of what would work and what wouldn't work before I started drawing out the frames for the final draft. 

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