Saturday 1 November 2014

Pose to Pose Animation

Pose to pose animation is a technique used to produce animation which involves selecting key frames, or key poses in terms of characters. The purpose of this technique is to creating separate poses for characters and then fill in the frames in between the two poses to transition them from one pose to the next. This technique is considered the opposite method to the 'straight ahead' method where frames are drawn in sequence. Finally, the pose to pose method is generally used to keep control of timings when animating a scene. 

When we were first introduced to the pose to pose method, we were given the idea of a pendulum swinging side to side since. The concept of a pendulum is perfect for demonstrating pose to pose animation because once it's released from a position of equilibrium it swings from one side to the next and back, in other words the path of motion it takes is symmetrical and would be a good starting point to produce a simple pose to pose animation. When producing the animation I had to consider which principles to make sure I include, one in particular that came into play here was the ease in principle. So that the pendulum mimics the physics of the real world I had to make sure once it's 'released' from its point of equilibrium it has time to build up momentum and that the speed isn't constant throughout the entire swing. To put this into practice, the initial few frames were close together and separated at increasing gaps consistently until the mid way point in the rotation of the pendulum, then the distancing of frames was replicated on the opposite side of the arc. In total there were twenty four frames, including twelve for each rotation back and forth of the pendulum. Here is the final animated pendulum using the pose to pose method. 

Final Pendulum (24 frames)

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