Monday 7 December 2015

OUAN504 - Opening & Closing Credits

To complete our project and give it a finished touch, I suggested to Wing that we create title sequences similar to the way a lot of animation studios do it and create stand alone pieces of art work to accompany the titles and credits. For this we could create some relatively simple pieces of artwork to support our story and ultimately introduce the animation in a nice way and complete it in a similar way. I thought of using a couple of pieces from the production stages in combination with a couple of things I did during the production process when I felt like I needed a break from modelling for example, and just do something less taxing. I looked quickly at some other opening and closing credit combinations and realised that opening credits are never usually as long as opening credits, so I thought it would be best to save the art work for the end and just have a title at the beginning. I plan to have the title at the beginning on the black sky with the moon and written in a crisp white font.

I've been undertaking a couple of small illustrations based on this project and want to use these as backgrounds for the closing credits at the end of the animation. The credits will include mine and Wing's names along with what jobs we undertook during the process. I hope this, despite not being the main feature, will increase the quality of the overall piece further and improve the audience's experience. My original idea was to have artwork of the pigs in the barn and around the farm setting before the production and almost as a consolation after the main feature show the pigs in different locations as a small nod towards the idea that they did eventually escape and these are the adventures they had. At this point in the process however this was meant to be a finishing touch and because it was so close to the animation deadline, I decided to reel it back a little and just feature these at the end of the animation. Another point to make, is that after I thought about it, I felt like having all of this imagery thrown at you before the animation even starts would be a bit overwhelming, so that when the actual animation comes on the audiences attention may already be occupied and their eyes aren't as 'fresh'. This idea could of worked quite well if the animation was longer, or a feature film perhaps but if its around the same time as the main feature, I just don't think it would have been a good decision. Below is the kind of simplistic art work I wanted to accompany the credits for the animation.

The final opening titles and closing credits we went this looked like this. We didn't want the combination of the opening and closing titles to be close to the length of the animation so we put them at the end, and just featured a title at this beginning.

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