Sunday 10 April 2016

OUAN503 - Feathr, Submission & Final Thoughts

Through completing this brief for the responsive module I feel like I've acquired a whole new skill set and approach to a more commercial form of design than I had previously. In conjunction with this, I've been able to experiment a lot more than I thought I would initially with materials, approaches and techniques whilst being driven by strong visual references and imagery that I accumulated online through the use of image boards and other online resources. Below are screenshots of me submitting my final designs through to the competition through the website, which offered an automatic preview of the design draped as wallpaper as you were submitting, and it was great to see the work as if it were actual wallpaper.

I attempted this brief not only because I was interested in the process and the ability to learn a new skill, but because it fitted nicely with the requirements for the responsive module. Throughout the brief I've developed skills and developed a solid body of work through the means of research, development and application. I've also been able to experiment relentlessly with colour, shape and managed to explore new approaches and ways of generating supporting work and starting points to fuel my ideas - such as photographing coloured ice I'd created for one of my tiles. I wish I had more time and that I would have been able to create more designs for this brief in particular as I had enjoyment doing it and I was learning more and more through each design and variations of different designs that I was creating. I think a realistic time frame to complete the work was around a week given that I put in a lot of time over the course of that week, which I have. I've been able to take this week out of Easter to think about and work on the brief quite a lot to produce a good amount of work, more than I expected at first. The challenges this brief posed for me was learning a new skill which was creating repeat patterns, and also having to work efficiently and design in a way with colour and research that I haven't before. Finally this brief had an openness that allowed me to explore all of the things I wanted to in terms of types of design and I ultimately was able to explore three avenues into the brief, each with different considerations, research and exploration of techniques. Overall I'm happy that I under took the brief and definitely feel like this is a skill I could apply and utilise in the future.

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