Friday 6 February 2015

OUAN404 - Study Task 3 - Take 5 / Feedback

During the feedback session for visual language I found myself becoming more accustomed to giving and receiving critique for work that I have produced and that others had produce. I could recognise things that perhaps would have arguably improved in terms of colour, shape and timings; but ultimately the task was about interpreting and visualising sound which I understand is a very subjective thing so the critique was more geared towards the technical aspects of the animations such as movement and fluidity. We took it in turns to show each of our five animations one by one, receiving feedback with each animation. Things that were mentioned include, the choice of colour schemes used within the animation, the choice of shapes and composition, the quality of animation produced and finally the appropriateness of the visuals in comparison with the sound and is it in sync with the sound.

1 - For the first animation, a lot of the feedback I received was similar. A lot of comments were aimed at the textures I used on the first animation for the background, nearly everyone complimented this particular animation which I was please about. Some of the criticism mentioned that the static background didn't allow for a good flow within the animation - which I agree with, and this could have been improved with some more effort put in on my part. Other positive comments mentioned the movement of the wave and how it had a nice flow to it, and that despite the background being static they worked well together.

2 - This feedback for my second animation was a bit more mixed which I understand, and wasn't too use about this one myself for several reasons. Some of the more positive feedback I received was that the timing was good, and the synchronisation between the sound and the visuals was good. As well as this, the shapes I used, a coil or essentially circular motion was something that a lot of people liked my choice of with someone mentioning they would have liked to see it 'flick' at the end. Some of the criticism I received for this animation was that the choice of colour could have been more 'magical' to compliment the sound more, which in hindsight I definitely think I could have incorporated some much vibrant colours to fit the audio. 

3 - In my opinion this is arguably one of my weaker animations for this task, because of its simplicity. However, you could argue that it works with the simplicity of the sound. Some of the positive feedback I received for this sound was directed towards the texture and textured backgrounds I produced to enhance the animations visually, there was a couple of comments saying they weren't sure about the background however. Other feedback included an appreciation for the movement of the object in relation to the sound, and that they liked the circle 'buzzing around'. Someone noted the use of space within the animation. Finally, there were a few people that thought the objects moved around too much.

4 - The fourth animation was quite well received due to the style and the textures I used again for the background. Some people said they liked my 'visual style' and the backgrounds as a whole. In terms of the movement and style of movement, it was stated that the brush I used to produce the outline of the circles was too harsh considering it was to represent a water droplet. Which I agree with now that it has been brought to my attention. Overall however I think people liked the ripple effect it produced. Someone said they liked that I didn't use perfect circles like some people had with this particular sound. In general this animation was quite well received which I was happy about.

5 - The last animation I showed to the class went down quite well. I think my approach to this one was quite unusual and that other people thought the same but not in a negative way. Someone said that it was the best animation for this particular sound, which was pleasing as I wasn't unsure about my approach at first. The main concern with this animation is that I didn't sync the initial sound very well, and most people picked up on this but followed up by saying that the colour scheme was great and the 'sizzle' sound was good in the way I portrayed it. A couple of comments suggested that the animation didn't match the sound very well as much as they liked it, which I agree with and perhaps went a bit too abstract with this one. Overall, despite the obscurity this animation has in relation to the sound it went down quite well and people liked the different approach to the sound. 

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