Friday 6 February 2015

OUAN404 - Study Task 4 - You Spin Me Right Round!

The idea for this study task was to test our ability to draw the same object in various degrees of rotation to practice the ability of drawing an object turning. The aspects that were looked at were the ability to keep the volume the same throughout the different viewpoints and keep the object in the same position on the page when it turned, so that when the final images were sequenced and played back there was minimal deviation of the object from the point of rotation.

I have never practiced something like that but understand the importance of being able to draw objects from all viewpoints, including and especially when it comes to animating them. I wanted to test myself so I avoided objects that were uniform from all angles such as a glass or a bottle for example. Instead I opted for a miniature toy fox and its cub. Drawing the two objects side by side was quite difficult because as they were turned they blocked certain sections of each other, this in turn made it more difficult to keep consistent.

I was fairly satisfied with the final out come, although with more practice and precision I believe I could have done it better and kept the volume and quality of line more consistent throughout. The positioning on the page also needed some adjustment as at times they slipped out of sync and the final sequence looked a little jumpy. To try and improve these things, I took the scanned images into Photoshop and traced the frames to improve the consistency of the line weight and the overall quality. This improved it, but it's still not as could as it could be. I also think if I had included more than 12 points around the centre to rotate to, the smoothness of the turn could also have been improved a little, perhaps 24 frames would have made the turn more seamless. This task taught me a lot and has definitely given me a new skill that I can work and improve on as I develop my drawing skills as a whole.

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