Friday 6 February 2015

OUAN404 - Study Task 5 - Looking Closer at Figurative Artists / Anna Bilinska Bohdanowicz

Anna Bilinska Bohdanowicz

Anna Bilinska Bohdanowicz was a Polish painter that was known specifically with her work with portraits. She mainly used oil paints, watercolours and pastels to create realistic portraits and still life paintings. Her portrait work features both males and females often from the shoulders and above. Her style feels a little loose and the finished pieces are never overly detailed but instead have a certain unfinished quality to them, as the colours spills out from its source.

In terms of scale, her paintings were often between 30" to 40" tall, so she didn't work at a particularly large scale, but this meant that her paintings were at a similar scale to the subject she was painting and meant she could work faster than is she did bigger paintings. Going against the trend at the time and producing highly detailed, accurate paintings of subjects she instead was renowned for having great intuition when it came to painting, coinciding with her loose style. Despite the lack of attention to accuracy when it came to the smaller details, I like the her loose style and is quite refreshing in comparison to seeing near perfect copies of real life, I think this type of individualism is represented well within her paintings and I enjoy that she experimented with style instead of just painting exactly what she saw.

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