Friday 6 February 2015

OUAN404 - Study Task 3 - Take 5

Today, during the visual language class we were looking at sound and how sound is portrayedvisually in different ways. I found this type of work interesting and seeing how different artists and designers have portrayed sound using visual materials got me quite excited for the project because of the 'no right answer' approach it had. Tasks like this amongst the other visual language tasks such as the environmental storytelling assignment are parts of the course I enjoy especially because they're a nice variation in nature compared with other modules. Despite the idea of sound being represented visually being exciting for me, in theory. I actually found the task set quite tedious and wished that I could have used this task to make stand alone pieces rather than the several animations that we were set to do.

We were given a folder of fifty sounds that we could choose to animate visually. Out of the list I chose the sounds;

12 - I interpreted this sound as almost like a firework at first, but as the sound continued it had the idea of an almost wave like sound, as if the tide was coming in perhaps. This kind of wave like sound influenced my animation a lot in both colour and shape.

27 - The second sound I chose was different to the first in that the sound felt much more synthetic than the previous one which reminded me of sea or wind. I think because of this there was a very synthetic feel to the shapes and colours I used in the actual animation. As well as this, I think the unnatural feel to the sound influenced me to make a very organised or structured animation to coincide with this.

30 - The third I sound I chose reminded me of perhaps, a fan on the back of a fridge or other appliance that kind of whirs in the background. The sound itself hardly changed throughout the duration I listened and because of this the animation I produce will be quite simple to emulate the unvarying sound. I will also try to choose appropriate shapes to representing the buzzing or whirring that takes place.

32 - This sound reminded me, and I believe was quite evidently a dripping tap, or at least a droplet of water repeatedly hitting a surface, with a slight echo. The types of textures it makes me think of is rust and generally the rough surface of metallic objects that make up piping for example. So I will perhaps generate a background of this nature. On top of this I think that the shapes I use will be quite circular because of the nature of water droplets and when they hit a surface.

33 - The final sound was probably the most difficult to interpret visually because of the variation it had throughout the clip, and at first it was difficult to interpret what it was or how to approach the complicated sounds. I believe the sound is something entering a pan before it starts sizzling, or at least I think it could be interpreted that way. For this animation I think there will be a lot of evolving shapes of different sizes.

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