Tuesday 19 May 2015

OUAN406 - Evaluation

I feel like this project has been a huge test for me in terms of pushing myself with a different method of working and also problem solving in an experimental and new way within a brief. Compared with previous projects I believe I have shown a lot more organisation in this one, also setting myself small and achievable targets within the time span of the brief has helped me to be more efficient and get things done in the necessary time frame.

I have learnt a huge amount throughout this project most of which I have never even attempted before. This includes; designing and working with 3D spaces, using software such as AutoCAD and AlphaCam as well as working again with Adobe Software. Furthermore, I have managed to go beyond what I had originally planned by hand making the electronics, and building a full set from scratch using sourced materials, in a sense being adaptable and solving problems as I was faced with them. The final out come of the brief was not as I intended it to be at the beginning, but overall I am happy with the result and what I was able to do.

Approaching a brief in this way meant it was expected that things were going to go wrong during the process. Some of the things that did go wrong were mostly related to the construction of the set itself, more specifically, issues with dimensions and measurements. Not unexpectedly on several occasions I used some of the machinery I was working with incorrectly, including the laser cutter not being on the correct settings for example. Despite being minor mistakes, the process was long and hence precious time was lost, as well as materials wasted because of some of my errors.

In contrast to this, there were many positives that I am able to mention that came as a result of this project. Some of my favourite and most successful areas of the project were the furnishing of the set itself, which was a lot of work but came together quite well at the end. Also, working with lighting on such a small scale produced quite good results and by the end of the shooting process, I felt confident about what constitutes good lighting and how to achieve it using the equipment I had. For once I also felt that time management wasn't an issue this project despite it being lacklustre with others. I made a conscious effort to plan my time and it paid off as there were very few moments where time became a big issue, or the idea of not being able to finish in time for the deadline became relevant. Finally, the post-production stage was a well rounded part of the project. I feel like looking back, it is the stage where I really felt all the work I had done came together, and I learnt a lot as well as made successful modifications to the footage I had shot.

As an experience, I feel that I can certainly take what I learnt forward and apply it to other work. Whether it's the use of camera and direction to achieve certain shots, or lighting to maintain a certain mood or atmosphere within the piece. Aside from the production itself, the experience as a whole has definitely encouraged me to be more open to trying new methods and to be more experimental within my work. Making sure I exhaust all of the resources at my disposal, which in this case was workshops and the knowledge and guidance of others instead of just keeping to what I know.

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