Tuesday 19 May 2015

OUAN406 - Final Crit Feedback

I really enjoyed the final crit of the year. It was interesting to see everyone's piece for the module after having worked on it for so long and only seeing rare glimpses at what people were working on. I enjoyed giving and receiving feedback on my final piece and enjoyed the process of looking at everyone's one after the other.

I got some useful feedback on my final animation, but no one gave me anything that they thought I needed to change before the final hand in on Thursday. I think someone suggested fading out the titles a little bit faster instead of having them on the screen so long which I could potentially change, but I also remember that before they were as long as they were they faded much faster and I thought it looked better after the fade was extended. Perhaps I will go back and compare them before I submit the final version. I also needed to fade out the video at the end to coincide with the audio a faded credit was left on the screen. I have actually done this, I just chose to show the wrong version in the final crit by accident, so I will have to make sure the correct one is submitted. Aside from this, a lot of questions were asked about how I made certain things and how I went about producing the set. I discussed the cost of the production and stated that it would have been much cheaper if I had known what I was doing from the start. Someone else asked how I had made the ceiling fan, so I recalled the process I went through on After Effects to make it. The last comment was a compliment on how the transition between 3D layers, and live action was quite seamless, which I was quite pleased with since I didn't want it to be an obvious change in the sequence. Overall, the crit was very helpful at pointing out some of the flaws in my final piece and things that could be improved on before the final hand in. I will make sure it is as good as it can be before then.

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