Thursday 5 November 2015

OUAN504 - Animatic

This is the first animatic we have produced for this project. It was made using drawings and panels from the storyboard with added movement to show the direction of camera and any moving shots that would take place. In hindsight however I think I went too far when it came to adding camera movement and a lot less was needed, or maybe not at all. When the storyboard is revised I'm going to redo the animatic to accommodate for the changes and whilst I'm doing that I will revaluate the need for the camera movement and remove it unless it's absolutely necessary. Although the animatic shows the order of the shots and depicts the overall narrative I think that the timing of the scenes isn't accurate as they're all evenly spaced. When I redo the animatic I will make sure they are the appropriate length and shorten or lengthen scenes where me and Wing think it's necessary to do so.

When I redo the storyboard I plan to do it a lot simpler, using pencil, charcoal and pen in order to create a more detailed thorough storyboard without having such detailed panels. This should save time and will be a much simpler method as oppose to doing it digitally. Furthermore, I can then use the new storyboard as the scenes for the animatic and using this method it should give me and Wing a better idea about the cinematography, timings and composition of each shot.

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