Wednesday 10 May 2017

OUAN603 - Animating Characters

The animation process and the animating of characters in particular was one of the longer tasks that took place within the creation process of the animation. The movement was fairly minimal and 'normal' in terms of the action taking place, so there was nothing that required large amounts of planning.

I thought about several methods to animate these scenes and after considering options such as Adobe Animate CC but ultimately I chose to use a combination of Photoshop and After Effects, which are both softwares that I'm familiar with and understand the process and time involved in creating something. Furthermore, problem solving becomes easier when you understand the tools you have at your disposal. I tried to do whatever necessary using digitally drawn frame by frame animation, but there were some scenes such as the tracking shots, dust and chopping scene for example that was done using After Effects, not only for simplicity but it also produces a very good result much more efficiently with time being an important factor.

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