Wednesday 10 May 2017

OUAN603 - Vision for the Project & What I Wanted to Learn

The vision for this project and the objectives I had in mind when I started it was that I wanted to continue on with the idea of world building and enjoy creating a new story from scratch. The fun in the beginning is always the unknown question of what is going to be produced and which stories will come into being from the creation of the project. In this case I wanted to create a range of media that extended just simply past the animation I wanted to make and stemmed into more thorough forms of storytelling the possessed alternative qualities that can be used to compliment the animation and other produced media. As well as this, I wanted to create different characters and provide some sort of accompanying visual for them, even if they are never featured on a visual story platform. I wanted to produce a much more detailed and in depth story world than I have previously, something I was able to achieve in my opinion during the COP3 module. This led me to looking into more writing, and in particular the beginnings of a novel. To inform all of the story world and the different narratives that were being created I intended to start and maintain a detailed story bible, containing all of my written ideas ready to be pulled out and used whenever they were needed.

Something that has become quite evident from the world building element of the work I have been doing is the no end aspect to it. By this I mean that the story world is a big as you can make it, or as big as you can manage it practically. In some ways this is what encouraged me to create a longer written story, because this is something I felt was lacking in the last project I worked on and in many ways I felt I was missing out. This is partly due to the scale of the team behind the project as an individual effort, but other things too such as budget constraints and time. The way in which the world is as big as you want to make it does provide a daunting task because you want the stories you choose to write and implement to be at least some of the best you can make. These are some of the things I wanted to work on for the project from a storytelling and world building perspective. In a practical sense there was a lot of time spent devoted to the aspects of animation I enjoy a lot, such as design and the creation of art work and designs for characters, environments and some of the smaller details such as rooftops or foliage.

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