Tuesday 9 May 2017

OUAN603 - Translating Scripts

Once the scripts had been finalised in terms of the time I wanted to allocate to them, I needed to get them translated before they could be passed on to voice actors for a voice recording of the several voices that can be heard within the animation.

There was several factors to consider when having them translated, firstly the cost of a short translation job such as this, and ways in which money could be saved with the length of the script without it affecting the way the short excerpt of story is communicated and received through dialogue. I looked across several websites that offered translation services before looking through options on freelance service website Fiverr. There were several translators I considered for the job but chose to work with a Japanese to English translator called Shunya Ohira. He was able to offer a translation in different forms of Japanese that could be aimed at different audiences; native speakers and learners of Japanese. I chose to go with the native translation because this is the script that would be read and recorded by voice actors.

Once the scripts had been handed over it took just over a day for the finished document to be returned. The translation of different names, titles, phrases and dialogues can be seen below.


The Children Who Dream in Ciçada


Hachiro: You’re up early, Takahiro.
Takahiro: I had a bad dream, couldn't fall back asleep afterwards so I came out here.
Hachiro: [pause] Coffee?
Takahiro: Please. Breakfast is nearly ready.
Hachiro: Great, I’m hungry. Why don't you take a break from studying today. You should start making the most of your youth whilst you still can. [laughs]
Takahiro: [pause] I’ll think about it.
Hachiro: I’m going to look for a job today, and see what I can find. I think it is time to do something I enjoy.
Takahiro: I’m glad you quit your old job, it was making you unhappy.
Hachiro: Hm. We have savings so money won’t be an issue, even if it doesn’t pay as well as before.
Takahiro: That’s good.
Hachiro: Is everything okay with you, Takahiro?
Takahiro: Yeah I’m okay. I’m just tired.
Hachiro: I hope that’s all. Have a good day, I’ll see you tonight.
Takahiro: I will. See you tonight.


‘Despite the Tokyo rainy season not due for another two weeks there is a high chance of rain today with temperatures reaching around 20º celsius. There may also be thunderstorms in the afternoon. That’s all for the Tokyo weather this Sunday. Now for the morning reports.’


'The family of a missing school boy Masumi Miyamoto have asked for anyone who may have information on his disappearance or current whereabouts to come forward and help the police with their investigation. Masumi went missing two days ago on Friday afternoon on his way home from Nakano Junior High School. Police are currently treating this as a kidnapping case and are working as hard as they can to make sure Masumi returns safely. If anyone has any information please contact Tokyo police.


Cicada Jazz and Coffee House
Cicada Coffee House
Cicada Coffee Room


Takahiro Okada
Kazuya Kurogane
Gorō Yoshida
Akari Matsuo


Takahiro’s Father [Hachiro Okada]
Shopkeeper [Mr. Ishida]
Kidnappers [Satoshi Mori / Rin Koizumi]
Missing boy [Masumi Miyamoto]
Police Detectives [Detective Kobi & Detective Hirota]

誘拐犯:森智 / 小泉凛

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