Wednesday 10 May 2017

OUAN603 - Why Did I Want To Tell This Story?

For a long time now I've wanted to create a story different to perhaps something I would normally be drawn to myself and attempt to establish my own style or themes within a genre or narrative that I connect with without pulling in influence from particular works that I like. During the COP3 when I was looking closely at immersion, I came across the notion of magical realism, a genre very unique and very particular. I immediately became hooked on the way stories were told through the magical realism filter and hence the inspiration for the creation of this story world.

More than anything with this project I wanted it to be something I would enjoy working on and fun, both in the delivery and during the making process. Something that I thought would handle both of these requirements would be to tell a story using a 'coming of age' or bildungsroman theme. This would give way to potential humour, adventure and all of the things I love in a story myself. Aside from the themes and genre I wanted to explore, I wanted to try and explore writing more seriously and this project, given the scale, seemed like the right one to start looking into doing this. Furthermore, this story meant a lot to me from the start because I wanted it to be a successful end to the third year. With the final project being the best work I had produced to date. My intention with this project was to produce a good grounding for my portfolio leading on from this. I think with a project like this, it also means that I can continue it as a personal project post-graduation and if nothing else, use it as a basis for experimentation, visual development and storytelling all utilising the pre-existing, self initiated fictional universe.

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