Wednesday 10 May 2017

OUAN603 - Synthesis Between COP3 & Extended Practice

I saw this project as an opportunity to continue on developing what I learnt and spent my dissertation module doing as not only did I find that way of working beneficial for my storytelling and developing different parts of the work I like doing such as writing, designing visuals and creating complex narratives with the addition of complimentary media to build up the story universe. I saw the transition from COP3 to extended practice as quite a seamless one with the intention of using what I learnt during that module to fuel a new project that would hopefully be better than my previous one. I was also able to do a lot more writing and include more details about the world because instead of creating a 'transmedia bible' which was a very visual artefact, I chose to create a story bible that has more or less the same purpose but this time is almost entirely dedicated to story with very little visuals, giving me the opportunity to develop them both separately and bring them together when I need to.

Some of the biggest aspects I took away from COP3 was the idea that these story worlds are designed to be expanded and worked on by large numbers of people in order for them to flourish, and whilst I wasn't able to do this directly I did keep this in mind when developing both the project as a whole and the story specifics. I tried to include [although open for interpretation] my vision and intentions for different characters, stories and media. Such as the planned comic book series for the two detective characters in the story.

Overall I tried to use the extended practice module to build on my previous work in the area of transmedia storytelling coupled with a chance to refine and improve multiple areas of my practice work which is where I thought I needed to improve on COP3. The research into immersion came to the forefront when developing this project and considering how best to present the created work, and the large body of research that was collected over the course of the dissertation module was helpful at highlighting some of the available opportunities for this type of work.

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